Tag: Global Health in Lombard
Name: Dr. LaBianca Wright
I valÂue develÂopÂing relaÂtionÂships with my patients and their famÂiÂlies, treatÂing chronÂic health issues, and proÂvidÂing preÂvenÂtaÂtive care. I believe in partÂnerÂing with my patients so that they are active parÂticÂiÂpants throughÂout their care. I proÂvide patient eduÂcaÂtion to empowÂer them to live healthÂiÂer lives. My medical interests are childÂhood obeÂsiÂty, Infant/​childhood growth and develÂopÂment, diaÂbetes, underserved medicine,, womÂen’s health, Read more...